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VPAA Contacts

Dr. Ali Ahmed Abdullah
Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs
+965 2483 1965
+965 2498 5155

Dr. Ali Ahmed Abdullah
Assistant Vice President for Academic Development
+965 2498 7733

Dr. Rawa Al-Jarallah
Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs - Director of Evaluation and Measurement Center
+965 2498 5177

Tahani Al-Ateeqi
Supervisor of the Department of Academic Programs and Academic Development
+965 2498 5168

Samira AlMansour
Director of the Department of Cultural Relations
+965 2498 7220
+965 2484 2198

Dalal AlAhmad
Acting Director of the Department of Academic Staff Affairs
+965 2498 7321        +965 2498 7229
+965 2484 9562

Eman AlBaker
Director of the Department of Academic Programs and Academic Development
+965 2498 5163

Mariam Nasser Ali
Director of the Department of Information Systems
+965 2498 5163

Eman Al-Matrouk
Assistant Administrative Coordinator
im +965 2498 5157

Jehan Qandiel
Excecutive Secretary
+965 2498 7988
+965 2483 9146

Fatima AlBozed
Senior Administrative Coordinator
im +965 2498 7497