Office of the Vice President

for Academic Affairs

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Academic Affairs


Academic Affairs is a department under the Office of The Vice President for Academic Affairs, where responsibility of this department is to oversee appointments and promotions for the faculty members, as well as working on the implementation of the action plan for the center and the preparation of periodic reports for the management, in addition to the development of information systems for preparation and development of studies and statistics, and activating the role of academic accreditation administratively and technically at the university level.


The Department aims to organize appointments and promotions for members of the faculty and in coordination with other colleges, in addition to the coordination and monitoring and completion of all matters related to academic and administrative programs, colleges and Language Center for Academic Accreditation

Supervision of operations of receiving applications for appointments and promotions of faculty members in various colleges.
Supervision of enforcement all university regulations related to appointment of faculty members.
Work on the development of studies and reports that aid appointment decisions.
Supervision of development of information systems and raise the performance levels of work.
Conduct special analytical studies on Academic Affairs.
Follow-up on the development of various studies to improve the performance levels of registration and admission standards to the university.
Units of Department
Appointment and Promotion
Information Systems
Academic Programs and Academic Development