Sabah Al-Salem University City hosts Kuwait University’s celebration of national holidays under the slogan “May you always be proud, my country, and may knowledge be a cradle.”

Under the patronage and presence of the Acting President of Kuwait University, Prof. Mishari Al-Harbi, Kuwait University, represented by the Administration of Media and Public Relations, organized the celebration of the National Day and the anniversary of liberation, under the slogan “Long as my country is proud and knowledge is a cradle”, on Wednesday morning, February 14, 2024, in Sabah Al-Salem University City – Al-Shadadiya, in the presence of the Acting Secretary-General of Kuwait University, Prof. Fayez Al-Dhafiri, and His Excellency the Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Resident Coordinator The State of Kuwait has Ghada Al-Taher, representatives of the embassies of a number of brotherly countries, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the FO platform, Sheikha Ohood Salem Al-Ali, the guest of the celebration,  Saad Al-Faraj, and the composer Youssef Fairouz, in addition to the presence of university leaders, deans of colleges, directors of departments and employees from all colleges, departments and work centers at the university, the National Union of Kuwaiti Students and various bodies and institutions in the country, in addition to the participation of various government agencies and institutions, and the private sector represented by external parties supporting the event.
The celebration began with the national anthem of the State of Kuwait, which was presented by the Ministry of Information represented by the Standing Committee for the celebration of national holidays and occasions in a distinctive way, then the Acting President of Kuwait University, Prof. Dr. Mishari Al-Harbi, delivered a speech on this occasion, in which he extended his sincere congratulations to His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishaal Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah – may God protect him – and to all the Kuwaiti people on the anniversary of the sixty-third National Day and the thirty-third anniversary of liberation, indicating that this occasion is dear to our hearts, and a fragrant memory that is present in the conscience of society. It embodies the cohesion and sacrifices of the Kuwaiti people.
Prof. Dr. Al-Harbi stressed that this celebration, organized by Kuwait University under the slogan (Long as my country is proud and science is a cradle) expresses the great link between the country’s progress and the renaissance of education, and that this celebration reflects the national role played by Kuwait University as part of the entity of this country that is inseparable from it and a pioneer of higher education in Kuwait, noting that the university through its ancient academic career has worked to consolidate the values of citizenship, patriotism and belonging, pointing out that the outputs of Kuwait University over the past years contributed Effectively in pushing the pioneering Kuwaiti march forward at a steady and balanced pace.
Prof. Dr. Al-Harbi added that these national holidays are an opportunity to recall the directives of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, may God protect him, in the importance of realizing the size of national responsibility and spreading the spirit of hope and optimism, which calls us to exert more effort and cooperation and focus on national priorities in order to continue the movement of development and prosperity and raise the scientific status of Kuwait among the countries of the world, expressing his thanks and pride in the guests of this celebration and the sponsors for their participation, asking God Almighty to have mercy on our martyrs and that Kuwait and its people will continue to have security and safety under the wise leadership, and that our brothers in Palestine will be released and peace will prevail among the peoples of the world.
In turn, the Acting Secretary-General of Kuwait University, Prof. Dr. Fayez Manshar Al-Dhafiri, stated that the celebration of national holidays organized by Kuwait University represented by the Administration of Media and Public Relation under the slogan (Long as my country is proud and knowledge is a cradle) came to commemorate the fragrant and eternal memory in our depths, and that the love of this land is innate in the heart of every citizen, but it is a delightful love in the heart of everyone who grew up in this land, stressing that it is a great pause in which generations are aware of all the sacrifices made by the martyrs for the sake of He pointed out that the celebration came to perform the right of this homeland to us and in recognition of its beautiful impact, and that this will not forget the right of the Arab and Islamic nation, especially after the unfortunate events of our brothers in Gaza, asking God Almighty to have mercy on their martyrs.
In moving words mixed with feelings of love and belonging to the soil of this dear homeland, the Kuwaiti artist Saad Al-Faraj said, “I thank Kuwait University and all those in charge of it for their kind invitation to attend this celebration that touches the hearts of all of us, and today I feel the same happiness that I felt on the liberation day, which fell on February 26, where the feelings of joy and sadness mixed together,” recalling the anniversary of independence and the National Day, which brings to our minds an important station in the history of Kuwait led by the father of the Constitution Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah.
He praised the keenness of Kuwait University to hold this celebration annually, saying: “God bless the efforts of Kuwait University and everyone who contributed to the establishment of this distinctive celebration, which reflects the extent of the university’s keenness to revive our heritage and national identity,” hoping that all state institutions will follow the example of Kuwait University in reviving national occasions every year through national celebrations and performances, praying to God Almighty to perpetuate Kuwait’s blessing of security and safety.
For her part, the Acting Director of the Public Relations and Media Department at Kuwait University, Anoud Al-Rashidi, expressed her deep thanks and gratitude to all the supporting parties and participation in this national celebration that took place on campus, stressing that the participation of various colleges and work centers at Kuwait University in cooperation with state institutions and agencies in their government and private sectors would enhance the spirit of belonging and loyalty to the homeland, noting that all these efforts came to express the joy of the Kuwait University family on national holidays under the banner of our dear country and the wise leadership of His Highness The Amir Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and the rational government.
During the celebration, a video entitled “Long as my country is proud and the flag is the cradle